Dr. Foot & Ankle
Check the health of your feet now and get the best treatment services with us, consult us right now.
Corns, Verrucas.
Ingrowing Toenail
Healthy Feet,
Makes You Feel Better.
Welcome to Dr. Foot & Ankle Clinic
At Dr. Foot & Ankle, We are dedicated to maintaining the health of your feet and ankles. Our skilled team provide exceptional diagnostic and treatment services customized to your requirements.
Whether You're facing pain, recovering from an injury, or seeking preventive care, We're here to assist you. Reach out to us today for a consultation. Your comfort and mobility matter most to us!
Most Common Treatments at Foot Health Clinics
Get top treatment services for your feet. Consult us now for expert care.
Onychomycosis: Fungal infection of the nails, causing discolouration, thickening, and brittleness. It is caused by fungi such as dermatophytes. Treatment involves antifungals and good hygiene. Prevention includes keeping nails clean and dry, Trim Nails Properly, Wear Breathable Footwear, Change Socks Regularly, Avoid Walking Barefoot in Public Areas, and CHOOSE NAIL SALONS CAREFULLY
Callus: A callus is a thickened and hardened area of skin that develops as a result of repeated friction, pressure, or other irritation. It commonly occurs on the feet or hands and serves as a protective response to prevent damage to the underlying skin. Calluses are generally not painful but can become uncomfortable if they grow too thick. Treatment can include using moisturisers, wearing proper footwear, and in some cases, having them removed by a healthcare professional.
Corns: Corns are small, thickened areas of skin that typically develop on the tops or sides of toes due to repeated friction or pressure. They often have a hard center surrounded by inflamed skin and can be painful when pressed.
Ingrowing Toenail
Ingrown Nail: An ingrown nail is a condition where the edge of the nail grows into and penetrates the surrounding skin, causing pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes infection. It commonly occurs in the big toe. Common causes include improper nail trimming, tight-fitting shoes, and nail trauma. Treatment may involve home care such as soaking in warm water, wearing comfortable shoes, and, in more severe cases, medical or surgical intervention.
Foot Health Treatment
Check the health of your feet now and get the best treatment services with us. You are healthy and we are happy to help you. Consult us right now.